Pax Americana: Author Thomas Frank Talks Movies & Politics on Meat Bone Express by Mike Retter |
"This may be a shock to you, but Hollywood celebrities are an elite!"
Thomas Frank has
written one of the most successful books about the history of the Democratic
Party and he talks about the polemics between Hollywood and middle/rural
America with Meat Bone Express Podcast.
Frank was once a
regular guest on CNN, but in the current age that doesn't have time to wade
through nuance, Frank's refusal to become a partisan-hack has made him an
outsider for increasingly polemic and crumbling American cable news networks.
But he has started to circle the wagons as a regular on Australian, Italian and
Canadian TV and guest on popular YouTube channels such as TYT and Jimmy
His book
Listen, Liberal is a continued international success. Released
before the 2016 election, Listen, Liberal was and is as prophetic as the Adam
Curtis magnum opus documentary HYPERNORMALISATION and works as a fine
In a Guardian
article, Frank talks about the agitprop filmmaking of Steve Bannon, the Trump
campaign manager who has now left the White House and started making films
Zero's] most far-fetched proposition is also its most revealing. Generation
Zero asserts that history unfolds in a cyclical pattern, endlessly repeating
itself. Historical crises (such as the Depression and Second World War) are
said to give rise to triumphant and ambitious generations (think Levittown
circa 1952), who make the mistake of spoiling their children, who then tear
society apart through their decadence and narcissism, triggering the cycle over
again. Or as the movie’s trailer puts it: “In history, there are four turnings.
The crisis. The high. The awakening. The unravelling. History repeats itself.
The untold story about the financial meltdown.”
Thomas Frank
spoke with Meat Bone Express at the Adelaide Writers festival.
Mike Retter, publisher of the Podcast "Meat Bone Express"
Published March 7, 2019. © Mike Retter, March 2019